Friday, February 28Infomation website

Author: siva

Access Blocked Sites in schools college without Admin access

Access Blocked Sites in schools college without Admin access

Breaking News, Technology, What's Hot
Hey Guys , What-sup! No bla bla I'm  directly going into the Title Access blocked Sites. It will be so frustrating to see a Access Denied when you want to see a favorite website you want so today I'm gonna tell you two Chrome extension that will be useful to bypass the Firewall. 1.UltraSurf 2.Browsec In detail these two extension are basically VPN to the tech newbies Here VPN is Virtual Private Network simply VPN will change the IP address of your local machine so when your trying to access Facebook or any blocked site The request from your IP will pass through the firewall and the firewall will check its database of blocked websites and if matches it throw the Access Denied Page.   But here These extensions will change the source IP address thus by passing the fi...